Tasting Room open Saturday 3-8pm.    

                                                GIVE ME MO!!!

   Small Craft Distillery located on the Farm. Tastings and Tours available. 

           Follow our FaceBook page for updates on events and hours.


  • Home Distilling?

Copy and paste the following link for supplies/equipment:

<a target="_blank" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag=rockina-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=5bfdf14fd2db9bad2ae66cc63fc05c51&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=aps&keywords=Home Distilling Supplies Equipment">Home Distilling</a>

Join the Club!

From the heartland. Missouri grains, wine grapes and fruit.

It may look like your grandpa's equipment.......

A New Generation of Distilling

We source everything from local farmers. From the grains for our Whiskey to the grapes/fruits used for our  Brandy.   

​Become part of the club! Rockin' A MO Shiners Club allows members first rights and discounts. 

Made in the old time "spirit".  It's copper pot stills fashioned after the classic Ozark moonshiners.  See old traditions become new again.
